Mesquite Grove Estates HOA
Board of Directors Meetings

Board of Directors' Meetings
Open Meetings are an opportunity to share what's going on with managing and governing our community. Homeowners are encouraged to attend and provide comments and feedback prior to Board voting and in the Homeowner comment period in these meetings.
Executive Sessions are closed due to the nature of the agenda items per Arizona Revised Statutes listed below.
Additional meetings may be called when a quorum of Board members are present, for special purposes such as discussions with vendors, trainings, or Town Hall meetings with the community. These additional meetings may be open or closed.
Notification of meetings is provided on this community site and/or the property management website for our community.
Additional notices may be published on community bulletin boards.
Minutes are published for each meeting, and are available on the property management homeowner portal.
Regularly scheduled homeowner meetings are the third Tuesday of the month, and are subject to change due to holidays or other circumstances.
The Board generally schedules weekly working meetings on Friday at 12:30 for general discussions. Links to the open portion of this meeting are shown below.
Board Working Meeting
Open Session
Date/Time: Friday, February 7, 2025 at 12:30 PM, AZ
Teleconferencing :​
(signin opens up to 15 minutes prior to the meeting, link first hour)
( link for second hour as needed)
​​Portions of a meeting may be closed for consideration of items specified by A.R.S. § 33-1248(A) / § 33-1804(A)
1. General Discussion
Landscape Working Meeting
Open Session
Date/Time: Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 3:00 PM, AZ
Location: Leo Park Ramada
Agenda published by February 10​​
Homeowner Meeting
Open Meeting
Date/Time: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 4:00 PM (*** Note new time and location ***)
Location: Leo Park Ramada
includes Special guest - Genesis Landscape Presentation with Q&A Session
An executive (closed) session shall be held after the homeowner meeting.
The executive session shall be a closed meeting pursuant to ARS §33-1248/33-1804(A)(1), (2), and (5).

Board of Directors

Outgoing Board of Directors
Teleconferencing: Zoom 10 Video: Phone: +1 (669) 900-6833 Alt. Phone: +1 (346) 248-7799 Meeting ID: 899 4064 2605 Password: (community zip code)

Minutes for Open Board meetings and Committee meetings are available through the Member Portal of the Management Company Website, for homeowners. A logon is required (link)